Wednesday, May 20, 2009

::three cheers for GLEE!!::

well, i was thoroughly impressed with the new FOX show, gLee which aired after american idol last night. i have been looking forward to seeing this show for a while, and i was not dissappointed. it's witty, it's charming, it sucks you in and it is a pretty accurate representation of a high school glee club. well, at least what i imagine it to be, i went to the world's smallest high school and we had choir and band, but nothing like a glee club or show choir. i have high hopes for this show, considering they've cancelled some other great shows for the fall...i'm hooked after one episode!

here's hoping for a great wednesday...i'm chugging through my work today and looking forward to girls' night tonight with abby, amanda and julie--3 of my best gals from church.


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