Tuesday, April 6, 2010

::tuesday unwrapped::

i've seen this on a few other blogs and decided to bring it to mine. "tuesday unwrapped" is about "unwrapping" a specific topic and shedding light on it in a different way. i don't know if i'll necessarily be able to do that, but i'll give it a whirl.

my bestie, R, posted a link on her facebook to this video. kari jobe is one of my favorite new worship artists at the moment and this is her singing one of her songs "my beloved" a few years ago, i hope this blesses you today!


Friday, April 2, 2010

::it IS a good friday!::

today, a few thousand years ago was a pretty dark day in the Christian world. the sky grew black, there was an earthquake and many Christians who had followed Jesus and His disciples watched their beloved Savior hang on a cross of wood with nails in His hands and feet and die... i try to imagine what that would feel like, to watch a person who i loved so much and trusted in so much, die...for me, for my sins...the truth of that is SO powerful--it overwhelms me and as i sit here writing this, my eyes are filling with tears.

i have thought today of those times where i have put my faith and trust in the Lord only to doubt Him over and over and try to take back what i have (sometimes unwillingly) trusted to Him. it frustrates me, because God knows what's best--why can i just let Him have it and deal with it as He sees fit, i mean after all, He knows me best, right? in that same token, i know that we, as humans, have a hard time putting our trust and faith in someone else--because we like to be in control. i think it would be easier sometimes if we would have been able to see the Lord, walk with Him, talk with Him, see Him raise the dead, heal the sick, give sight to the blind. wouldn't that have been amazing?! i really can't imagine it...!

most of us know the story of Thomas, who doubted Jesus, this is what He said to Thomas in John 20: "“Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen me but still have believed.” so you see, we are called blessed, because we believe in a God that we can't see. but He's SO real to me...i hope He is to you too, today.

here's a real life reason that i know God is real and another reason that makes today a "good" friday...

meet the clarkes (megan and mike)
megan is one of my co-workers and most importantly an extreme child of God (and influence in my life) she along with her husband, mike, have been on the adoption journey for the past two and half years. it definitely has not been an easy one--there's been dissappointment, heartache, victories, and trimphs, but through their faith in the Lord, they have persevered and God has now blessed them with the opportunity to travel to Africa to meet their children--and they leave tonight! won't you join with me in praying for them? you can follow their story here: http://www.teamclarke.net/ and you can take a look at her blog updates in my sidebar as well. meg--i am SO incredibly thrilled for you and mike! and i had a GREAT time buying some amazing stuff for them to take with them to the orphans--can't wait to see pictures of the kids in their new clothes!

alright, so back to Good Friday--as dark as that day was, it gives us hope--because we all know that is NOT the end of the story--Jesus rose from the dead and He is ALIVE! if that doesn't make you want to shout "Hallelujah!" and jump up and down, then i don't know what will.

"Oh Praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!"


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

::wordless wednesday::

today, i read this post: http://tsjphotography.com/blog/inspiration/i-choose-words-to-live-by/ and it touched me...i thought today i'd let someone else's words be written here.



Monday, March 29, 2010

::failed attempts...::

so, my blogging efforts have significantly failed, considering my last post was last summer--i think it's time to start again...

this morning on the way to work--i was reminded of something, something very powerful--and since this is the beginning of "holy week" in the Christian world, i found this to be very fitting.

as most of you know, or perhaps you don't--because there are probably less than five people who read this blog, but at any rate--i am a worship leader at my church. it's an honor and privilege to be called by God to do this sort of ministry, it's also very scary. but God speaks to me a lot through song, so i believe that He puts different songs in my life at different times to get my attention.

lately, i have been wrapped up in a lot of self reflection (absolutely nothing wrong with this-) unless it gets in the way of spiritual reflection. and boy, has it ever gotten in the way of that...so God in His "oh-so-gentle and friendly way" (but really it was probably just this way for now...until i actually listen, because if i don't---things are probably going to get a little worse and even more worse until i LISTEN!) anyway-this was His reality check for me today. a song called "soon" by brooke fraser. the words hit me like a ton of bricks, not only because of their truth, but it made me stop and think about what i am doing in the time that God has given me on the earth to serve Him. it's kind of scary when you press pause and truly think about it--

so, here it is, one more (hopefully, non failing) attempt at diligently writing this blog and also here's to listening to God's voice the first time. because His "failed attempts" yield a lot more harsh results when we don't open our ears...

soon-brooke fraser

Soon and very soon
My King is coming
Robed in righteousness
And crowned with love
When I see Him
I shall be made like Him
Soon and very soon

Soon and very soon
I’ll be going To the place
He has prepared for me
There my sin erased
My shame forgotten
Soon and very soon

I will be with the One I love
With unveiled face I’ll see Him
There my soul will be satisfied
Soon and very soon

Soon and very soon
See the procession
The angels and the elders
‘Round the throne
At His feet I’ll lay my crowns
My worship
Soon and very soon

Though I have not seen Him
My heart knows Him well
Jesus Christ the Lamb
The Lord of heaven
