Monday, June 1, 2009

::why are the weekends so fast?::

that is the question that i ask myself every sunday night before i lay my little head on the pillow...this weekend in particular was packed full of wonderful moments. i led worship at church, went shopping with my friend jules, went to one of my bestie's bachelorette parties and had a relaxing sunday with jules and her hubby and a new friend. we went to mount vernon, which is one of the most beautiful places i've been in a long time...and it was 80 degrees, sunny, and breezy. ahhhh....why is the weekend never long enough?!

here's some inspiration to get through my monday...hope it helps you too! (::photo credit-a field journal::)


1 comment:

the mcquiddys said...

oh man do i ever want to be where she is. :)